Our Charism

An intense participation in the redeeming mission of Christ, through an intimate union with Him in prayer, life in community and apostolic activity.

Prophetic witnesses of God’s kingdom to people of all faiths, to the poor and marginalized specially women and girl children.
Cross planted over the hills
Symbolizes that we the Mission Sisters of Ajmer, make the cross shine not only on the barren hills of Rajasthan but also in the hearts of people
‘In Hoc Signo Vinces’
‘In this sign you will conquer’
is the motto given to us by Our Revered Founder
The Arm of Christ with His nail pierced hand
crossed with the arm of St. Francis of Assisi
Signifies the love St.Francis had for Jesus who died on the Cross. We the Mission Sisters
as Franciscans should love Jesus as St. Francis did.