Our Founder
Our Founder
Rt. Rev. Bishop Fortunatus Henri Caumont
Our Founder, Rt. Rev. Bishop Fortunatus Henri Caumont was born at Tours in France on December, 10 1871 to monsieur Salvat Caumont and Madame Pauline Caumont. After his studies, he joined the Franciscan capuchins on Aug. 16, 1889 and was ordained a priest on December 19 1896. According to his great desire to serve in the missions after one year in 1897 he arrived in the Rajputana Mission o f India he was appointed as Prefect Apostolic on January 7, 1903.
Rajputana was India’s desert region and in more ways than one, it was educationally, socially and economically backward. Fr. Fortunates Henri Caumont was gifted with a remarkable intelligence, and affectionate nature, keen foresight and strength of character. He had a great desire to help the poor and needy particularly women and girl children who were deprived of their nights. He realized that only women could reach out to them and founded two indigenous congregations for women, the Prabhadasi Sisters of Ajmer in 1906 and the Mission Sister of Ajmer in 1911.
In 1913 Rajputana Mission was raised to the status of a Diocese and Monseigneur Fortunaturs Henri Caumont was appointed as the first Bishop of the Diouse of Ajmer. He was a man of prayer and self sacrifice, and had a sharp mind and far-seeing vision. In every sense, he was a prophet. People of all faiths were attracted to him, they loved him and respected him. Bishop Fortunatus Caumont’s aim was to Liberate women through education and empower them to take their rightful place in society. Moved by the plight of women and girls veiled in ‘Purdah’ who were denied education, he started Sophia school in May, 1919. He also opened many primary schools and dispensaries in nearby villages. He also saw the great need to render medical aid to the women and the poor in the villages. With special permission from the Holy Father, Pope Pius X, he sent one of the sisters to study medicine in 1917.
In his great love for his people and his desire to be with them he used to often travel from one village to another, regardless of his health. One day while he was on his pastoral tour on horseback in Bhildesh (M.P) he suffered a massive heart attack. His faithful horse carried its master safely to the house of the priest in Jhabua. He was then taken to Indore and taken to Robert Nursing Home. During those fifteen days in the hospital, all those who came in contact with him were surprised to see his deep faith, forbearance, and his unreserved surrender to the will of God. Day by day his condition became worse and on April 4, 1930 at 11:30 P.m., He surrendered his soul into the hands of Jesus. His last words were “Jesus I love you, without reserve, Amen…….Alleluia”!
A special coach in the Train was reserved to bring his body to Ajmer. Bishop Coumont had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Therefore according to his wish, his mortal remains were paid to rest in the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception before the after of the sacred Heart of Jesus.
Bishop Fortunatus Coumont is declared as a ‘Servant of God’ and the process of his beatification is on.
Bishop Fortunatus Coumont is declared as a ‘Servant of God’ and the process of his beatification is on.
Mother Mary Matilda
The faithful collaboration of Our Founder
Josephine Caumont, was born at Tours, France on December 13, 1880. When her mother joined the SMA Sisters in 1897, Josephine was Just seventeen. But the fire of Gods’ love Burst into flame and she too said goodbye to the world to give her entire life to God in his love and service. She was received into the congregation of the SMA Sept 29, 1898 of the same day that her mother made her professions and her brother Charles (Fr. Gregory) was ordained.
Josephine made her commitment to God on August 12, 1900 and took the name Mary Matilda. His final commitment took place on August 12, 1903. That same Year she came to India to serve his daughter in his own way for the task he had in store for her. In 1911 while laying the Foundation of the Mission Sister of Ajmer, Bishop Foutunatus Henri Caumont Requested the Congregation of St. Mary of the angels in France for a helper. Fortunately enough, his own Sister, Mother Mary Matilda, was appointed in Feb 1911 to collaborate with him.
The congregations of the mission Sisters of Ajmer took birth on April 26, 1911. One of the first tarks that Bishop Caumont entrusted to the Mission Sisters was the care on the poor, unloved the unwanted destitute children of the diocese under the guidance of Mother M. Matilda, the handful of Mission Sister not only cared for the unloved orphans but sought the poor street children and cultivated in the them the habit of coming to school. St. Imelda’s school was started for orphans.
In 1919 Sophia School was started as a residential school to cater mainly to the education of Rajput girls who were victims of the Strict ‘Purdah” system and had no chance of receiving education. ‘Sophia’ in Greek means wisdom with its motto ‘giving wisdom to little ones ‘Mother Matilda was appointed to first principle’.
Mother Mary Matilda was one of the first ladies to work for the education of women in Ajmer, which was there considered the education center of Rajputana. She was honored with the title ‘The first Lady in the Cause of Women’s Education’ In 1925 Mother M. Matilda was appointed Girl Guide Commission. In 1926, she was obliged to take up the post of Inspectress of Girls’ High Schools in Ajmer Mewara a post she was requested to take on by the Education Department. She radiated God’s love to everyone and encouraged them in their noble work of educating girl-children of Rajputana.
In the work of giving good news to the poor and rural apostolate for the uplift of the women, she encouraged her small band of sisters to visit villages. In spite of a few hands mother Matilda sent Sister to do their nurses’ training in 1936.
On August 12, 1950 Mother M. Matilda completed fifty years of her religious life. The congregation had decided to celebrate the event on Sept. 8, 1950. But God would have otherwise. On august 18, 1950 she went round to every department of the house encouraging the Sisters with her cheerful words. That very night, she heard the Master call her home to her reward. She rose and rang the small bell near her bed and the Sisters came quickly around her At 1:00 a.m on Aug. 19 with the words ‘ Jesus Mercy’ one her lips, Mother Matilda slept peacefully in the Lord.