Every Catholic School Has Christ as its Central Motivating force. His Values as expressed in his Teachings and put into practice in the virtues of love, Sincerity, Freedom, Justice etc. will so permeate the organization of this school/college that persons of all social backgrounds, even the most deprived will freely welcome in the warmth brought about by Christian Service.
The beginning of the MSA Educational System was laid first in 1913 in a school, in the city of Ajmer (Raj.) for the poor street children and orphans. It was known as St. Imelda’s school. In 1919 Rt. Rev. Fortunatus Henry Carmont the first Bishop of Ajmer and our founder established the first Sophia school in Ajmer for the education of girls.
Being a man of vision and foresight he realized that the extreme backwardness and illiteracy of the people especially in the rural areas could be eliminated only if the women were given basic education. There was a deplorable lot, social customs down the ages for protective reasons had confined them behind the “Pardha” with little or no freedom which women enjoyed in other parts of the country. This was particularly the case of Rajput Women. While the men enjoyed the rights of a princely feudal system at the best of education in the prince’s MAYO COLLEGE AJMER, women’s education was neglected.
Bishop Carmont saw the prime need of uplifting the women. Only women committed to Christ and dedicated to a cause could help him in this gigantic task. In 1911, with the help of his Sister Mother Mary Matilda SMA, he founded an indigenous congregation, the mission sisters of Ajmer to serve the people of Rajputana. To them the mission sisters, he started the first Sophia school for them in Ajmer (Raj.).
Over the years, Mother Mary Matilda saw the Sophia school in Ajmer take deep roots, turn into a high school, then into an intermediate college which is now a fully fledged Autonomous college with graduate and post-graduate courses. Through her dedicated workers, the mission sisters of Ajmer, she was able to establish such schools in other parts of the country, mainly in the major cities of Rajasthan.